
DOONUTS!! "re:Roast"

¥1,814 税込


【MIX CD・2枚組】

札幌発、"HIP HOP to ALL OVER THE MUSIC"をコンセプトに掲げ、DJ HISAYA a.k.a. Diggin'Journalist/DJ KENJI/SAORIX/STAR FAZE KIDの4人により構成されたイベントDOONUTS!!。惜しまれつつ終了する2015年まで7年間、本拠地札幌から北海道各地へDIGの文化とGOOD MUSICを発信し続けた。

2枚組となる本作は、①DJ HISAYA とSTAR FAZE KIDの2人がJAZZ,FUSION,LATIN等、HIP HOP好きもニンマリな選曲でお送りするクール・アーシーMIX、② SOUL/FUNKを担当するDJ KENJIとSAORIXが、FUNK、LATIN、AFRO...新旧織り交ぜたグルーヴを紡いで送る、漆黒ダンサブルMIXの2部構成。

1. John Payne Band / New Spaces
2 .The Black Byrds / Wilford`s Gone
3. Y. Ohno / Lonely for The Road
4. Lucas Arruda / Sambadi
5. Ryusenkei / Dancing into Fantasy
6. Lonnie Liston Smith & The Cosmic Echoes / Visions of a New World (PhaseⅡ)
7. Oliver Nelson / Flight for Freedom
8. Johnny Hammond / Lady Smooth
9. Hudson People / Trip to Your Mind
10. Blue Feather / Dance

-DJ HISAYA a.k.a Diggin' Journalist PART-
11. Luther Davis Group /To Be Free
12. yambu / Sunny
13. Herb Geller Octet / Sudden Senility
14. Elvin Jones / Round Town
15. Skit
16. Groove Holmes / Onsaya Joy
17. O'donel Levy / I Wanna Be Where You Are
18. John Klemmer / Fat Alligator Snap
19. Young-Holt Unlimited / Bumpin' On Young Street
20. Bobbi Humphrey / Blacks and Blues

1.Counts / Pack of Lies 
2.The Black Nasty / Party on 4th St.
3.Xplosion / Wait a Minute
4.Carl Sherlock Holmes Investigation / Black Bag
5.Duralcha / Ghet-To-Funk
6.George Freeman / The Bump
7.Both Worlds / Freedom Jazz Dance
8.Bernard "Pretty" Purdie / Soul Drums
9.Soseme Makonde / Manzara
10.The Stovall Sisters / Hang on in There
11.Albino! / No Face Enemy
12.Roy Porter Sound Machine and George Holmes / Panama
13.Newban / Magic Lady
14.Carlos Franzetti / Cocoa Funk
15.Assagi / Baranzibar
16.Joe Bataan / Aftershower Funk

17.Don Julian - Lay It on Your Head
18.The Proposition - Africana
19.Leon's Creation - Sightless
20.Black Heat - Rapid Fire
21.Michael Kirkland - The Prophet
22.Sweet Vandals - Charlie Love
23.Jackie Robinson - Pussy Footer
24.B.T. Express - Do It
25.Rare Function - Disco Function
26.The Spirit of Atlanta - Down Underground
27.The Soul Snatchers - The Chase
28.Johnny Pate - You Can't Even Walk In The Park
29.The Mighty Showstoppers - Shaft In Africa
30.The Sidewinders - I Like to Dance
31.Kings Go Forth - Don't Take My Shadow

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¥1,814 税込
